MBIS MBISS GCHS Keypoint’s Play on Words NTD CGN ITD ATD
aka “Scrabble”
(Ch. Chrisand Keypoint N Black N White x CH Keypoint's Please Play Again)
Scrabble” is the ultimate show dog, she loves the attention, the treats and nothing makes her happier than hearing applause! At home she is the ultimate DIVA, expecting to be treated like a royal princess (and she is). She loves to learn anything that involves using her feet, so wave and touching the easy button are her favourite tricks. Scrabble is fully health tested and we have an exciting breeding planned for her in Spring 2024.
PRA- Carrier
DM- Clear
Fuco- Clear
PFK – Clear
OFA Eye Exam-Normal (July 2022)
OFA Hips- Good
OFA Elbows- Normal
Cardiac- Normal
Patella- Normal
CHIC # 177636
CH Keypoint’s Colours Of The Wind NTD CGN
aka “Crayola”
(Ch. Chrisand Keypoint N Black N White x BPISS Ch. Keypoint’s Cover Girl)
Crayola has matured into a stunning girl and we are so excited for her future! She finished her championship in 5 days of being shown and is halfway to her Grand Championship. She is smart as well as beautiful, having just completed her Novice Trick Dog title.
OFA Eye Exam- Normal
PRA Status: Carrier
PFK Status: Clear
DM- Clear
OFA Hips- Good
OFA Elbows- Normal
OFA Cardiac- Normal
CHIC Qualified!
Ch. Keypoint’s Catch Fire aka “Isla”
(Merry Thought’s Braggadocios x BPISS Ch. Keypoint’s Cover Girl)
Isla is our pick girl from the Rudy x Topaz litter born in 2020. Covid put a delay to her show career, but we were finally able to get her out and, in her debut, weekend came home with her first 4 points! She is co-owned with the Busby’s in BC. She finished her championship in March of 2023. Health Testing to be completed in fall 2023, with litter plans in 2024!
PRA- Carrier
MBPIG Ch. Keypoint’s Be the Change NTD NTD-M aka “Andi”
(MBIS GCHS Wynmoor N Bryden Once Upon A Time x BPISS Ch. Keypoint’s Cover Girl)
Andi is our keeper puppy from Topaz’s last litter to Bradley. She loves to learn and is incredibly outgoing! She is co-owned with Meraki Great Danes in AB. She has no clue she is the “smallest dog” in the house. Andi finished her championship very fast, in just 3 weekends and before she was 8 months of age! She is working on rally, tricks, and agility, she will soon have more titles to her name!
Jeanine Jorgensen ~ 306-891-5504 ~