MBPISS CH Keypoint’s Play It Again RN CD NTD
aka “Howard”
(MBIS/BISS Am/Can Ch. Beswin Ynot Triple Play x Ch. Keypoint’s Darkness Unleashed)
Howard is retired from breeding.
Kanye and Wicca produced 5 boys and 1 girl and right from the start Howard was a standout. First it was his unique neck dot and as he grew is lovely structure and quality became evident. His first day in the show ring resulted in his first Best Puppy in Specialty show win at the Westwind’s Sporting Dog Specialty. He also came home with his first 4 points for his championship. Shown a few weeks later he was consistently going Reserve Winners Dog to top American champions. That same weekend at our 2015 National Specialty he was awarded Reserve Winner’s Dog and his second Best Puppy in Specialty win. He also competes in performance events and earned his Rally Novice Title in 3 straight trials. All with class placements!
Howard is sweet, happy and a huge goofball. His nickname is “Happy Howie” as his tail is always wagging and he always has a smile on his face. He absolutely loves to be on the grooming table which makes him a terrific contest dog for grooming competitions. He has quite the following for these and is often requested by some of Canada’s top groomers.
Howard has sired a few litters and is standing at stud to ladies of merit. He is fully health tested.
OFA Hips- Good OFA Elbows- Normal
OFA Eye exam - Current fall 2019, CLEAR
PRA Status Carrier
Am/Can CH Chrisand Keypoint N Black N White
aka “Cully”
(Am Ch. Wil-Orion If Wishes Came True x Am GCh. TJ Chrisand Ressurection)
Cully is our new boy that just arrived to us Keypoint this spring. He just started his show career in Canada and to our delight already has his Canadian championship! He has an absolutely beautiful pedigree behind him that we look forward to incorporating into our dogs in the next few years.
Cully went to the USA to have a visit with his breeder and be shown while there. In just 3 weekends of showing Cully completed his American Championship! He is our first ever American Champion and we are thrilled! Cully will be returning home soon to gear up for hopefully a 2021 campaign in Canada! He is currently ranked #2 Springer Spaniel in Canada with just one weekend of showing!
OFA Eye Exam- Normal Fall 2019
PRA Status: Clear
PFK Status: Clear
U-CDX Ch. Keypoint’s Supernatural CDX RE CGN
UR01 UR02 aka “Damon”
Damon will always be the the “ideal" Springer to us.
He was everything the breed should be:
Loyal, smart, tenacious, goofy, loving, an amazing working dog and beloved companion. He was many 1st for us. First champion under our kennel name, group winner, specialty award winner, 10 performance titles, sire and breed ambassador. There was nothing he couldn’t or wouldn’t do. While we unfortunately lost him far too soon he will always set the standard for any dog we produce. RIP sweet boy, we miss you more than words can say.
The dog on the Home page is also Damon.
BPISS CH Keypoint’s Cover Girl aka "Topaz"
(Am/Can GrCh. Beswin Salutaire Extra Extra x Ch. Keypoint’s Darkness Unleashed)
Topaz has been an amazing producer for us, she has 5 champion offspring and many more that are amazing family companions. I’ll always be grateful for what she has given to me as my companion and to my breeding program. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement, Topaz!
CH Keypoint’s Please Play Again NTD ITD ATD ETD NSD CCF1 SD-S-SP NS SD-A SD-N CGN SDO VE RATI RATN RATOaka “Betty Boop”
(Ch. Keypoint’s Play It Again RN CD x Ch. Keypoint’s Darkness Unleashed)
Betty has been retired from the breeding program. Her legacy will be continued on through Rip and Scrabble. While retired from the whelping box, Betty will continue to compete in sports as that's what she truly loves!! She will continue to add to the alphabet soup behind her name!
Betty was always a standout and my personal favorite in her litter. There is just something about her that catches your eye. Her personality is absolutely amazing! She loves every one she meets whether it’s two or four legged. She finished her championship easily and has proven to be an outstanding performance dog! She has multiple titles and is titled in 6 different venues.
OFA Hips Good
Elbows Normal
PRA Affected (not afflicted)
PFK Clear
Cardiac Clear
Patella Normal
CHIC # 150842
DM- Carrier
OFA Eye Exam- Normal (Fall 2020)
Ch. Keypoint’s Darkness Unleashed aka “Wicca”
Wicca is one of those females that all breeders dream of…. One that produces puppies that are of sound mind, body, and temperament. Wicca also set the standard for what I want all of my mother dogs to be like. She is nothing short of an amazing dog in every way!! She is the pillar behind every current dog in our house and I am so thankful I have 4 of her kids to carry on her amazing legacy with!
Wicca had a fabulous show career as a puppy. She finished her championship in 3 days of showing, along the way placing over adult champions consistently. She also picked up multiple group placements and Best Puppy in Group awards along the way. One thing that I’m very proud of is that all of her kids shown have been multiple group placers and puppy group winners!
Wicca is the mother of to date:
4 Champions- Howard, Maverick, Topaz, Ronnie
2 Rally Novice title holders- Howard and Stella
Barn Hunt Titles- Wilson
Agility titles- Nixon
And more of her kids will be adding titles to their names in the near future!
Wicca is retired from the whelping box and is in her retirement home. She gets to live with her brother Charlie and she is incredibly spoiled which she deserves nothing less.
Ch. Hotchoklit's As If By Magic CD RA aka "Twisty"
Twisty is another of the amazing dogs behind where we are today. She was my first Best Puppy In Show winner. She was also the first of my springers that I trained in obedience and at that time the relatively new sport of Rally. Twisty was also a certified therapy dog. She loved nothing more than to snuggle up to someone and just be there. Her greatest contribution to our breeding program is our beloved Wicca who is the pillar upon who our breeding program is based on.
Ch. Synergenic Maple Sugar aka "Ellie Mae"
Ellie Mae was my first ESS. A beautiful dog inside and out she taught me so much about this breed and is the reason I decided to breed this breed. I will be forever grateful to her breeders Ron and Gail Chapman for giving this precious gift to me.
Ch. Synergenic He Shoots He Scores aka "Jussi"
Jussi was from Ellie Mae's first litter and was always a star. He was a multiple group winner, placer and won 12 Best Puppy In Group awards. He also had his CGN title. This was all accomplished before he was 9 months of age. He developed a rare eye issue at a year of age and as a result he was neutered and placed into the most wonderful home.
Jeanine Jorgensen ~ 306-891-5504 ~